Doncaster's Broad Habitats (1)
| Amenity Grassland |
| Arable |
| Bracken |
| Broadleaved Woodland |
| Built-up areas and infrastructure |
| Coniferous woodland |
| Fen, marsh and swamp |
| Garden |
| Heathland |
| Improved grassland |
| Marshy grassland |
| Mixed / other / uncertain |
| Mixed woodland |
| Raised bog |
| Rock or quarry |
| Sand / Mud |
| Scrub |
| Semi-natural grassland |
| Trees / Parkland |
| Unclassified |
| Water |
| Wet modified bog |
| <all other values> |
Doncaster's Priority Habitats (2)
| |
| Bog |
| Deciduous Woodland |
| Fen, Marsh and Swamp |
| Grassland |
| Heath |
| Mudflats |
| Reedbeds |
| Unclassified |
| <all other values> |
Woodland Habitats and Opportunity Network (4)
| Woodland existing habitat areas |
| Woodland buffer opportunity areas |
| Woodland stepping-stone opportunity areas |
Grassland Habitats and Opportunity Network (5)
| Semi-natural grassland existing habitat areas |
| Semi-natural grassland buffer opportunity areas |
| Semi-natural grassland stepping-stone opportunity areas |
Heathland Habitats and Opportunity Network (6)
| Heathland existing habitat areas |
| Heathland buffer opportunity areas |
| Heathland stepping-stone opportunity areas |
Bog and Mire Habitats and Opportunity Networks (7)
| Mire existing habitat areas |
| Mire buffer opportunity areas |
| Mire stepping-stone opportunity areas |
Wet Grassland and Wetland Habitats and Opportunity Networks (8)
| Wet grassland and wetlands existing habitat areas |
| Wet grassland and wetlands buffer opportunity areas |
| Wet grassland and wetlands stepping-stone opportunity areas |
All Broad Habitats and the combined opportunity network (9)
Top 25% of opportunity areas for each ecosystem service within the expanded habitat network (10)
Existing capacity of natural capital to regulate air quality (12)
| 100 - 0 |
Air quality regulation demand (13)
| 100 - 0 |
Existing capacity of natural capital to regulate noise (14)
| 100 - 0 |
Noise regulation demand (15)
| 100 - 0 |
Existing capacity of natural capital to regulate local climate (16)
| 100 - 0 |
Local climate regulation demand (17)
| 100 - 0 |
Existing capacity of natural capital to store carbon (18)
| 39.63 - 0 |
Existing capacity of natural capital to sequester carbon (19)
| 9.71 - -38.98 |
Existing capacity of natural capital to regulate water flow (20)
| 100 - 0 |
Existing capacity of natural capital to regulate water quality (21)
| 100 - 0 |
Existing capacity of natural capital for food production (22)
| 100 - 0 |
Existing capacity of natural capital for timber/woodfuel production (23)
| 100 - 0 |
Existing capacity of natural capital to provide access to nature (based on preceived site naturalness) (24)
| 100 - 0 |
Accessible nature demand (25)
| 100 - 0 |
Existing capacity of natural capital to provide recreation (based on number of visits) (26)
| 100 - 0 |
Opportunity areas for air quality regulation (28)
Fields scale opportunity areas for air quality regulation (29)
Opportunity areas for noise regulation (30)
Fields scale opportunity areas for noise regulation (31)
Opportunity areas for local climate regulation (32)
Fields scale opportunity areas for local climate regulation (33)
Opportunity areas for water flow regulation (34)
Fields scale opportunity areas for water flow regulation (35)
Opportunity areas for water quality regulation (36)
Field scale opportunity areas for water quality regulation (37)
Opportunity areas for accessible natural greenspace (38)
Fields scale opportunity areas for accessible natural greenspace (39)